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Blind Manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects Based on Force Information from Environmental ...
RMDO Workshop 2022 @ICRA - Spotlight talks #2
RMDO2023: Contact-aware Shaping and Maintenance of Deformable Linear Objects With Fixtures
Shape Control of Deformable Linear Objects with Offline and Online Learning of Local Linear ...
2nd Workshop on Representing and Manipulating Deformable Objects 2022 @ ICRA
Deformable Objects Manipulation
CSL seminar: Shuran Song - The Effectiveness of Dynamic Manipulation for Deformable Objects
Manipulation Planning for Interlinked Cables
RoboCraft: Learning to See, Simulate, and Shape Elasto-Plastic Objects with Graph Networks
Learning Motion Primitive Goals for Robust Manipulation
Robotic cloth manipulation for clothing assistance task using Dynamic Movement Primitives
RMDO Workshop 2021 @ICRA - Spotlight talks #1